The Round Rock ISD Fine Arts Festival is in its fifth year. This concert features elementary, middle and high school performance groups. Fifth grade students from eight elementary schools (Berkman, Blackland Prairie, Deep Wood, Elsa England, Robertson, Spicewood, Terravista, and Voigt) have been learning six pieces at their individual campuses and will come together for the first time Saturday, February 23rd. They will workshop together and create a twenty-minute performance using instruments, voices, movement, and drama. The Stony Point Orchestra and Show Choir along with the Pearson Ranch Percussion Ensemble will perform individual ten-minute sets while also combining with the elementary participants in a grand finale.
Please come support our RRISD students as they provide a unique musical experience in the RRISD Fine Arts Festival this Saturday, February 23rd at the Stony Point High School Auditorium at 4pm.